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2025 Honda Trail 125


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The Honda Trail 125 is a mega hit with riders around the world—and it’s easy to see why. It’s inspired by our timeless classic Trail 90 and Trail 110, but completely updated and modernized with a bigger, more powerful 124cc engine, fuel injection, disc brakes, and an electric starter. There’s even front-wheel ABS!

125cc Fuel-Injected EngineNobody can match Honda’s reputation for engines, and even though the Trail 125 ABS is relatively compact, it’s a giant in terms of performance and reliability.

Four-Speed Semi-Automatic Transmission – The Trail 125 ABS features a four-speed semi-automatic transmission you shift with your left foot, like a traditional motorcycle. But here’s the unique part: there’s no clutch to worry about. Plus, the Trail 125’s heel-toe shifter makes operation even easier, especially in boots.

Electric StartTurn the key, push a button, and you’re on the road—or the trail. But because adventure sometimes throws us an unexpected curve, we’ve also given the Trail 125 ABS a kickstart lever, just like the original Trail 90 and Trail 110 had

Underseat Fuel TankWith its awesome fuel efficiency and easy to access, underseat fuel tank, the Trail 125 ABS offers a spectacular range for any adventure

CenterstandOn a bike as rugged as the Trail 125 ABS, a centerstand just makes sense. It gives you more parking options than just a sidestand, especially if you’re carrying cargo on the rack. It also makes servicing your own bike easier.

MSRP: $5149


TOTAL: $5856

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