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2025 HONDA Pioneer 1000-5 Deluxe


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Looking for a 999 cc side-by-side that matches power, performance and durability? It’s time to get to know the Honda Pioneer 1000-5P DLX. The Pioneer’s transmission means no more messing around with belts, which is advantageous for rugged rides. The Pioneer 1000-5P DLX also has a smaller footprint than some other side-by-sides, which allows it better access in tight spots.

Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT)

Drive the way you want, with the industry’s first and only six-speed Dual Clutch Transmission. Choose between manual mode or fully automatic. Plus, the addition of Sport Mode increases the fun, shifting at higher RPM for a spirited, full-performance driving experience

Advanced Transmission Logic

The brain of the DCT, Advanced Transmission Logic, senses how you drive and adapts. Relaxed drivers get earlier shifts for a quieter ride at lower engine speeds. Sportier drivers will hold each gear longer for higher RPM shifts. And when going downhill, you get true engine braking. Now that’s a smart transmission.

Paddle Shifting

Steering column-mounted paddle shifters add a serious dose of performance in every drive. In Manual mode, they let you shift without ever taking your hands off the wheel, and in Automatic mode, they let you override the current gear with a quick up or downshift, holding that gear for several seconds before returning to Automatic mode

Clever Controls

Quickly and easily choose, via a dash-mounted lever, from 2WD, 4WD, 4WD with differentials locked for the toughest conditions, or Turf mode; perfect for sensitive surfaces like grass fields

QuickFlipTM Seats

Experience ultimate flexibility in seating options. In addition to the comfortable three passenger contoured bench seat up front, the bed incorporates a pair of QuickFlipTM seats that flip up or fold down independently in seconds. Up, they provide secure seating for one or two additional passengers; down, you get a flat cargo bed for utility use.

MSRP: $25,299

Freight/PDI: $1778

TOTAL: $27,077 + tax & lisc

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